When the returned instances of an AWS boto3 call exceed a certain threshold, the response is paginated and additionally returns a NextToken
I used to walk through those paginated responses in a fairly cumbersome way:
client = boto3.client('cloudformation')
stacks = client.list_stack_instances(StackSetName='test-stack')
stack_instances = response['Summaries']
while 'NextToken' in response:
response = cloudformation.list_stack_instances(StackSetName='test-stack', NextToken=response.get('NextToken'))
stack_instances += response['Summaries']
The problem above is the duplicate list_stack_instances
method call.
Another way without having to call the method twice would look like this:
client = boto3.client('cloudformation')
stack_instances = []
next_token = None
first = True
while first or next_token:
first = False
kwargs = {"StackSetName": test-stack}
if next_token:
kwargs["NextToken"] = next_token
response = cloudformation.list_stack_instances(**kwargs)
next_token = response.get("NextToken")
The code looks too verbose to me though.
There is a convenient get_pagination()
method, which makes the API call more succinct:
client = boto3.client('cloudformation')
paginator = client.get_paginator("list_stack_instances")
for response in paginator.paginate(StackSetName='test-stack'):
for stack_instances in response["Summaries"]: