

[operator] [number] motion


i -> insert mode
I -> insert at the start of the line o -> open a new line underneath in edit mode
shift + o -> open a new line above in edit mode a -> append after the cursor
A -> append at the end of the line r -> replace a single character R -> replace mode * -> go to the next occurrence of the word under the cursor # -> go to the previous occurrence of the word under the cursor esc -> switch from insert mode to command mode

. -> repeat the last command : -> switch to ex mode
:wq -> write and quit
/ -> different parts/parameters of ex commands are separated by a slash :sp -> split window horizontally ctrl + w, -> switches panes % -> go to matching parenthesis f + char -> find/jump to the next occurrence of the character ctrl + w, j -> switch panes

ctrl + o -> go to last cursor position/go back to where we were ctrl + i -> go to next cursor position/go forward to where we were

!ls -> run a shell command, in this case ls v + motion + :w test.txt -> save selection to a test.txt file zz -> center line r + !ls or text.txt -> replace the current character with the output of the command or the content of the file ctrl + g -> show file name, line number/position and percentage of the file d + i + " -> delete inside the quotes d + i + ( -> delete inside the parenthesis


hjkl -> correspond to ←↑↓→

w -> to next word

b -> back a word

e -> to the end of the current word

$ -> to the end of the line

0 -> to the start of the line

gg -> to the start of a file

shift + g -> to end of a file

} -> to the end of the paragraph (meaning next empty line)


u -> undo

U -> undo all changes on a line

y -> copy (yank) yw -> copy a word

x -> delete character

p -> put (paste) recently copied or deleted text

r -> replace, followed by the character to replace the current one

c -> change and go into insert mode, followed by the motion, e.g. c$ -> change to the end of the line cw -> change word

~ -> changes case (upper to lower and vice versa)

dd -> delete line

. -> do the same thing again

/ -> search

% -> apply to all lines

g -> grep

s -> search and replace

485G -> go to line 485


5dd -> delete 5 lines

d, shift + g -> delete to the end of a file

d, gg -> delete to the end of a file

shift + p -> paste above

2 + d + } -> delete 2 paragraphs

%g/^-/d -> search for all lines starting with a - and delete them
%g/^\s*$/d -> search for all lines starting with one or more emtpy spaces followed by the end of the line and delete them
%s/ / - / -> search for all lines with an empty space and replace it with ` - `, applies by default only to the first time it finds it

:s/thee/the -> search for thee and replace it with the
:s/thee/the/g -> search for thee and replace it with the globally :#,#s/old/new/g -> search for old and replace it with new in the range of lines # to # %s/old/new/gc -> search for old and replace it with new globally with confirmation :!ls -> run a shell command

ctrl + n -> next element ctrl + p -> previous element

example video captions with timestamps

  1. remove additional information, just keep timestamps with caption a) delete everything up to the next digit d/^\d -> delete everything up to the next digit, then press . to repeat the command

    b) delete everything with a hyphen %g/^-/d -> search for all lines starting with a - and delete them %g/^\s*$/d -> search for all lines starting with one or more emtpy spaces followed by the end of the line and delete them

  2. insert a hyphen between timestamp and caption %s/ / - / -> search for all lines with an empty space and replace it with ` - `, applies by default only to the first time it finds it